Jack Makes Cookies

Today was Jack's last day as a one-year-old. It's been a fun year! I made sure to do some of Jack's favorite things today. Very few requests were met with a "no." I think he could tell I was waxing sentimental and might be a bit more of a pushover than usual. He even decided to try asking me if he could take a "doe" (show) into his crib with him for his nap. Nice try, kiddo. He did have luck stalling his bedtime back a half hour with slides, tickle fights, and a final cookie or two during his bedtime story.
Usually he hates having a camera in his face--but maybe just a phone camera, because every time I pulled out my DSLR today I was rewarded with a big cheeser. Our day began with a snowstorm. We braved it to drive to the thrift store since last time I was there I spotted two really cool old dining chairs with caned backs. I didn't grab them at the time, but when I got home I started thinking about how I could reupholster the cushions and paint some of the trimming to make them look modern. The roads were pretty icy getting there and I had to keep Jack wrangled in the ergo to get in and out of there quickly, but the trip was a success.
 What with all the snow and it being Jack's last day as a one-year-old, we killed a good hour making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies together. The activity was a hit! Jack dumped all the ingredients in the bowl, and then I let him lick the beater when we were done. Wish I'd gotten a video. He gave it one tentative lick, and the his eyes lit up and he asked for "Mo!"
^^He loved his finished cookies and milk as much as the dough, and he made sure to have his stuffed bunny sitting next to him so he could feed him bites. I sure hope Jack's still keeping close tabs on Mr. Bunny this time next year when he's turning three.
 ^^Such classic Jack faces. He's been doing this one since he was born, and he continues to do it daily when he's frustrated but also trying to repress a smile. This time he was frustrated that Savvy kept trying to intercept the cookies he was feeding Mr. Buh-Buh.
^^And last but not least, my attempt at getting a picture of the both of us. Unfortunately I didn't get the shot set up before the self-timer went off, and then the camera battery promptly died. I guess it wasn't meant to be. I'll get some better shots of me with him on his actual birthday!

I'm not sure what I'm going to do for Jack's birthday tomorrow. I want to celebrate in some small way. We'll definitely bake up the rest of the cookie dough, but beyond that I'm not sure. We're picking a day after Jared gets home from Evanston to celebrate as a family with presents and cake. I figure I may as well take advantage of him being young enough not to really know or care, but it still feels a little sad to not do anything. We'll probably be snowed in again, so I'm sure there will be plenty of treats, "shows," and blanket forts. More on Mr. Jack in his official Jack Turns Two post in the coming weeks!

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