Park Fun

^^Jared's Harry Potter scar hahaha. We did a Harry Potter photoshoot at this crumbling park in our town where we have never seen another soul.
^^Little boys and the finger always up the nose.

Exciting things from this week:

-We got a bed frame! It's a beautiful, sturdy bed frame and it means we are no longer sleeping on a mattress on the floor like a couple of college students!
-We got the biggest snow storm I've ever seen in Casper on Sunday. This would have been more fun if Jared didn't get called into work at 6:30 in the morning so I had to get me and Jack to church and back on our own, plus dig the car out of the driveway where it got stuck.
-Jared gets to do his first moonlighting shift this week. Basically that means he's picking up an after-hours shift at a local clinic as an actual doctor for some extra money. I would be more excited about this if it wasn't on a Wednesday night, meaning I'll have to keep Jack up way past his bedtime to take him to mutual with me yet again. I love my calling as YW secretary and the people I work with, but I have had to go to mutual every Wednesday for the past 4 years and I'm tired of it. If our ward wasn't so small I'd imagine I wouldn't have to go as secretary, but it is, and I do.

Those are the major new happenings. It was kind of a quiet week. Oh! I wanted to se if I can write down all of Jack's words. He's getting quite the little vocabulary:

dada, mama (finally!), nana ("great grandma" or "banana"), yaya ("Savvy"), dack (Jack), ama (grandma), umpa (grandpa), yes, no, mo bo (motor boat), coat, uh-oh, hep (help), wawa (water), choca (chocolate), kaka (cracker), gogo (gogo squeeze), bah (fig bar), gih-gih (again), hi, hewo (hello), die ("bye"), pahk (park), car, kack kack (duck/quack), bun (bunny), ball, whee!, swee (swing), ba-boo ("Kazoops"--his favorite show), bee-boo ("beeboop"--what we call our robot vacuum), buh-bow (bubbles), nose, eye, hair, please, thank you, on, off, up, down, boo, boots, shoes, moon, bird, tractor, truck, boat, spoon, jump, flower ("wow-o") bug ("buh"), night-night, ho-ho (what santa says), and probably a dozen or so animal sounds.

There are probably quite a few more, but those are the top ones that come to mind. His understanding is getting better and better. I can ask him to do just about anything and he gets it. And he'll attempt most one- or two-syllable words we ask him to say. These are just the ones he readily knows without being prompted. We love our Jack Jack!

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