A Very Casper September

Jared caught the fall bug this weekend, so we went to Menards and loaded up on pumpkins for our porch. He even grabbed some purple lightbulbs to switch out for our front lights to give our home a spooky ambiance. I think he's hoping all the festiveness will attract us lots of trick-or-treaters this year. Last year we only had like 2 groups of kids come by the entire evening. There are lots of new houses and neighbors on our street this year, so fingers crossed.
Jack is in love with his stuffed bunnies, and it is very cute. He threw up on Wednesday morning this week, and all he wanted to do afterward was watch cartoons with his bunnies. He hasn't been sick since, so I don't know what that was all about. The timing was tough. I had to teach corsage and boutonniere making to the young women at mutual that night. I would've loved to put Jack to bed early since he wasn't feeling good, but with Jared working the night shift I had to bring Jack with me. To top it off, when I got everything loaded into the car to go set up at the church, the car wouldn't start. I had to recruit the YW president to come pick me, Jack, and all our supplies up. Jack thought he was being kidnapped. It was traumatizing. Turns out our car is fine and it was just an issue with the key, thank goodness (Jared had the spare key with him at work). But man, that was a rough evening.

Also bunny-related, Jack brought his favorite stuffed bunny to church yesterday. It was all cuteness and snuggles until we tried playing "peek-a-boo" with the bunny to keep him entertained and his shrieks of delight and laughter were so loud (during a talk about reverence) that I had to rush him out until he could contain himself. That's his new favorite game, is popping his bunny out from around corners and saying "Boo!" Funniest thing in the world.
^^Some of our friendly neighborhood antelope. The babies must be hiding in the back, but there have been lots of cute baby antelopes in our neighborhood recently.
On Saturday we went up Casper Mountain for a free celebration event for the 25th anniversary of Casper's Hogadon Ski Resort. We lucked out finding out about this event. There was live music, FREE food and drinks, FREE t-shirts and pins, and literally we just went there ate, enjoyed the music and scenery from the lodge, then left to do some hiking. The best part was when this fun older man stopped by our table to talk to Jared about skiing and about if we were going to teach Jack how to ski. He even treated us to some of his world-class yodeling (he was pretty good). Soon he was ushered away from our table to the microphone and introduce as Bob, the founder of the ski resort. Pretty cool! There's a sweet little ski community here that loves our quaint resort.
Next we went for a short hike near the archery range. Casper Mountain may not be huge, but I'm so glad we have it. This type of mountain feels like home to us. It was pretty chilly because of the wind, plus we have a toddler now, so we hiked maybe 50 yards before turning back. The leaves were just starting to yellow. We'll be back again next week.

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