Lazy July

^^From our trip up past Squaw Peak when we were visiting Utah last month. There's a new spectacular view around every corner in Utah, which is one of the things I love most about it.
Not much new to report this week. Jared has several patients due to have babies this month so we're kind of tied to staying in town. We made weekend plans, but Jared wound up having to deliver two babies on Saturday, one of which ended up being a very scary, high-risk situation for the mom so he was there all day. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when Jared's in doctor mode. It's crazy to think that my goofy, cartoon-watching boo actually delivers babies. He doesn't love the high-risk nature of OB work, but it's cool that he's learning these things.

Jack has been testing us all lately. I thought it was just teething making him so high-maintenance, but now his teeth have popped through and he's still the same screamy Jack. I'm resigning myself to thinking that this is just how the toddler years are going to go. At least he's cute.

Oh! An Evanston update. Jared called the hospital in Evanston about doing a rotation there in the Spring, and they were elated. Now the resident coordinator here in Casper just needs to call the Evanston team and get everything finalized.

That's pretty much it. An old buddy of Jared's from Arizona, Scott Esplin, came to have dinner with us last night with his family. They're living in Ft. Collins and happened to be in Casper for work. I haven't met one of Jared's childhood friends in years, probably since we got married. It was fun to see them reconnect and talk about their friends and memories. Good times.

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