Sink Bath Bubs

We are currently in Utah! Jared is doing a month-long rotation at Primary Children's Hospital to get some specialized pediatrics exposure that just isn't available in Casper. Next week I'll do a post about our home for the month and how we're liking it in Salt Lake City. I'd do it this week, but I'm actually on a time crunch and can't take pictures of our basement apartment right now because my camera is being held hostage in the closet where Jack is currently napping.

So for now I'll post a million very-similar pictures of cute 7-month-old bb Jack taking a sink bath and do a short "life updates" thing.
1. Just took his USMLE Step III board exam and felt great about it. No more board exams until he finishes residency in 2 years!
2. Would love to move to Utah Valley immediately and stay 4evr.
3. Is working at the U of U and has enjoyed talking to several family medicine doctors in Utah Valley to pick their brains and get advice. Utah is a great place to practice family medicine, but not a great place to make enough money to pay off your med student loans. We'll probably end up hustling our buns in some rural nowhereness for a few years after residency before we make it back to UT.
1. Is weaving more kool stuff. I'm finally starting do develop my own unique style, which is a big step for any artist. Also I guess I am calling myself an artist now?
2. Got a haircut. Went for the big chop. Feels like I lost 10 pounds in the process. Prolly did.
3. Is liking our month in Utah, but after just one day and night in this basement apartment I'm realizing that I will never be able to go back to apartment living. The space itself is really nice, but it is v stressful having to share walls when you have a baby. Also, our upstairs neighbors have two kids and you can hear every step. On the one hand it makes me feel less bad about our crying baby, but on the other hand, it's pretty annoying.
1. Took his first steps last week! He can take 10+ steps on his own, but he'll only do it if you give him a "job" (like throwing his socks in the trash can) and start him out by holding under his arms for the first few steps.
2. Has 3.5 teefs. Most of his developmental milestones have happened sooner than other babies his age, but he hasn't cut any teeth until just this last month. They are taking their sweet time, which is fine by me. They've come in right as he's started to self-ween from nursing. Dodged a bullet there. He's down to one feeding a day, and I'm not sure that one will last much longer. It's bittersweet.
3. Is cuter than ever. I find myself telling everyone that it's like a switch flipped when he turned one. He's still a baby and can be very difficult, but he is SO fun. I love watching Jack come into his own funny personality. One year has been much more fun than zero years.
1. Isn't getting enough exercise this winter.
2. Is taking it out on everyone by waking up several times during the night EVERY night to either scratch to go outside and hang, or to scratch on Jack's door and wake everyone in the house up in the process.
3. Loves running around the beautiful Utah mountains whenever she's lucky enough to get a chance.

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