Triple Threat

As I read the words "New Hampshire Manchester!" I looked up and said, "No way!!"
Everyone was thrilled. 
Well, except maybe Jared who was looking at the ground with a blank look on his face.
That poor man.

We soon realized that my family is thriving off of church history calls.
Chris to Kirtland.
Jordan to Palmyra.
Me to Sharon, Vermont (birthplace of Joseph Smith)

Also, three of my family members have recently accepted mission calls!
Myself to New Hampshire.
My father to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
My Jordan to New York.
 And this picture makes my heart melt.
Is anyone else confused about my life? Because I totally am.

Also, I think I fixed the comments box. It should be working now.


  1. *randomly goes through bookmarks and checks this blog again*

    New Hampshire?? No way! Watch out, Manchester can be kinda ghetto. I live half an hour or so away from there :P

  2. Congrats Laura!!

    That last picture is adorbs. Actually, so is the second to last one, but in a different way which is mostly related to Jordan's shirt. Where did he go for such a thing?



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