6 pounds, 4 ounces

Remember my baby craving? Whelp, the hunger has been satisfied.

I received this beautiful child for my birthday. I was the happiest mama of all on my special day. I'm very good to her and pay her lots of attention, and she coos dreamily for me.

I also got these treasures:

Asian Landscape in a Questionable Smelling Bottle

I really don't know what this is
Thanks, Steph. Thanks, brother.

And finally,

right here, we find further evidence that I do the stanky leg subconsciously at pretty much all times: when taking study breaks, brushing my teeth, offering hugs-- It's a little bit awkward, seeing as I can't even joke about being black on the inside. I suppose I could at least pretend I'm proud of my super-white wanna-be subconscious dance moves.

Ya, maybe that.


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