It has been a loooong, wonderful, sickly weekend. Jack picked up a brutal cold at school last week, then it made its way through Alice over Thanksgiving, then Jared, then me. I'm grateful it was just a cold! We can handle that. Thanksgiving was wonderful. We brough stuffing, rolls, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, and a pie to Jared's parents for a cozy little Thanksgiving with them and with Jared's brother Will. Alice wanted to be held by me and only me the whole time (poor sick baby) which was a bit of a challenge, but I keep telling myself, "This is a season!" She won't want me holding her 24/7 forever. 

We also celebrated Jared's birthday over the weekend. He wanted to see the ocean on his birthday, so we drove to a new park overlooking the sound and played for a bit before having Jared's parents over for dinner and opening presents. I sure am grateful for such a wonderful life partner. He's endlessly patient and kind. The funnest Dad. The gentlest doctor. The most selfless spouse. I always love a reason to celebrate Jared.

^^Garage picnic after Jack got home from school. Alice and I always pick him up at the bus stop down the road and then park the stroller back in the garage before going inside for a snack. We decided to do our snack in the garage this day and Alice looked so cute and grown up on her own little bench.
^^Savvy's first time EVER showing Jack an ounce of affection, when he was sick.
^^Sick babies.
^^On our way to Thanksgiving! Carseat straps have since been raised. But the focus here are his cool dude sunglasses and Thanksgiving crown. Kindergarten crowns 4ever.
^^Sick baby times at Thanksgiving. But look how festive we are!
And now we are in full Christmastime mode! This is the first year probably ever that we have finished most of our Christmas shopping before November. I want to focus on Christmas traditions and coziness all December. We're off to a great start with paper snowflakes filling up our windows and the Home Alone soundtrack on repeat. 

Sick Little Turkeys

It's been quite the busy week. The air fryer has officially been broken in. We've made crinkle fries and normal fries (from frozen), fresh hot wings, Brussels sprouts, hashbrown patties, and aidells sausages. The crinkle fries were a slam dunk. Very crispy without adding so much as a drop of oil (they might already have been coated in something oily since they were prepackaged though). The normal fries were a bit limp, but I think we crowded them in there too tightly--you should definitely make sure there's space around each item if you want it to get nice and crispy, just like when roasting things in the oven. Everything else came out great. The real test was hot wings. I made them like I normally would if I was deep frying them, but popping them in the air fryer was lots easier and less messy. They didn't come out quite as crispy as they would from a deep fry, but pretty close. For how much time and mess (and oil) was saved, absolutely worth losing 10% crispiness.         

Jack got sick with a bad cold over the weekend. I couldn't even be annoyed because we're already at the end of November and this was his FIRST time being sick enough to have to miss school, and he only had to miss one day (Friday). During his last two years in preschool, he was pretty consistently having to stay home with a cold for a full week out of every month. His immune system is stronger now and the sick policy is more lenient at the public school (as long as he's not fevery, throwing up, or clearly feeling awful I can send him). I'm so happy we've made it to a less sickly winter. (Knock on wood.)

We had our family pictures taken by someone other than myself and my trusty tripod for the first time EVER on Saturday. Jack was looking a little under-the-weather and Alice was lukewarm about the smiling on command thing (of course), but I'm sure we got some good ones. There were a few fall leaves hanging on in the background so I'm glad we were able to squeeze them in. Can't wait to see them next month.

Jared gave Jack and Alice a little hair trim before the pictures and he really did a pretty good job! He's cut Jack's hair for years (he cuts his own hair too and has done lots of his buddies' hair through the years). I was going to attempt Alice's hair myself because Jared cut my hair during Covid and it was, um, not spectacular? But when I was at Target grabbing last-minute pants for Jack's outfit Jared offered to trim Alice's hair and I realized, I'm just as much a beginner as he is. He can watch a youtube video as well as I can. If he does Alice's haircuts from the get-go, he will be more open to doing them in the future and he'll get better and better, just like he has with Jack's hair. It was a practice in letting go of the fear of her hair coming out wonky for the pictures, for the benefit of offloading a parenting task to Jared (that he enjoys) for probably years to come. I think this is something many moms struggle with, but the more I practice the better I get. Jared WANTS to be involved in raising his children and keeping up the house. When I can let go of wanting things to be a certain way and let him take full ownership of a particular duty, everyone wins. (My favorite example of this is when we fell into a pattern of me emptying all the dishes because I don't mind that task and Jared does, and Jared loading the dirty dishes because he doesn't mind that task and I do. It makes me feel so much more excited about cooking because I know I won't be the one cleaning up the mess. We eat better because of this division of labor, and the system runs so much more smoothly and without bitterness. Neither of us nags the other to do their part anymore--we both trust and know that the other will get to it within a reasonable time frame since we have taken full ownership of our own parts of the process. 10/10, would recommend dividing up household tasks in this way when possible.)

I'm off to make a Christmas shopping Black Friday plan. Jared doesn't have work tomorrow so we're going to make a game plan and maybe even do all our Christmas shopping. It seems like most stores have already started running their Black Friday sales a week or more early this year. So different from when I was little and the only Black Friday sales were the ones you'd wait in line for at the actual store at midnight after Thanksgiving, which I never participated in. I love that everything is online now! So much easier and cozier. Give me a cocoa and a Christmas movie, and we'll make a cozy date of it. 

Air Fryer Successes

After I uploaded all of my pictures to share from this week I realized that every photo is of Alice. So we are referring to this post as the Alice Gallery, shortened to "Allie Gallie."

It's been another lovely rainy fall week in the PNW. The kids have adapted-ish to Daylight Savings. They are both going to bed and waking up at acceptable times now, but Jack has been MR. GRUMPS. I am blaming daylight savings because I want to blame something, but it could also be the absence of flag football in his life 3 times a week. I have "sign Jack up for a winter sport" perpetually on my to-do list, but it keeps not happening. Huh. He's been pretty happy since school started, up until last week. I guess we all have off weeks from time-to-time. Nonetheless, Jack was awarded Cub of the Week in his class this last week! So at least he was keeping it together somewhere haha. This has been a goal of his since school started and he was so excited. Way to go Mr. Grumps. I mean Jack. :) 

Alice has learned how to stand up on her own from the middle of the floor, and she is quite pleased about this new trick. Every day I catch her practicing more and more. No steps taken yet, but we're not in a rush. 

Jared is happy. Laura is happy. Nothing big to report for us, so I guess I'll do a "what we've been consuming" check in. Here is what we have been consuming lately:

Food: French fries! We got an air fryer on sale at Costco. I have been considering an air fryer purchase for several months now and was planning on asking for one for Christmas. But between this really incredible Costco sale and my recent fried chicken experiments (they're getting more impressive every time), we pulled the trigger early. So far we've only made fries but we are already VERY impressed. Next week we'll make hot wings and Brussels sprouts. I'll try and let you know how it goes. 

TV: We've been keeping us with Loki and Goosebumps one evening a week as episodes are released. I told Jared I would not be participating in Goosebumps because I don't like scary stuff, but I got pulled in after a few episodes. It's fun and not too scary. We just started Secrets of Blue Zones (or something like that) on Netflix. Very good, would recommend.

Podcast: If you are casually interested in interior design, I have been LOVING the "Dear Alice" podcast. There are a few hundred episodes, full of tons of design tips from two extremely talented Utah designers (of Alice Lane Design) who have great banter. I'm always a happier person when I feel like I'm learning something new or developing a hobby. Having this podcast in my ears during my daily walk or while I'm making dinner scratches that itch, since hobbies and interests are otherwise pretty tough for me to find time for during the baby stage. 

Ok, here is the Allie Gallie:
(p.s. Mom, look out. On your birthday I might just post a bunch of pictures of you and call it the Valerie Gallery because the rhyme is just too good. jk, maybe)

Allie Gallie

What a week! Please bless my children to adjust to daylight savings relatively quickly. I spent all last week trying to push their bedtimes later, hoping this would mean they would eventually start sleeping in later too when we turned our clocks back. Unfortunately going to bed later has had no affect on Alice's wake time so far, so sure enough, she was up for the day at 5:30 this morning. I'm planning to continue the strategy to try and keep them up later in the evening and hooooopefully the wake time will eventually follow. Alice is finally sleeping through the night, and Jack has started sleeping in a little later, so I'm focusing on gratitude. 

We had a fun Halloween. Jared's parents came to our house to celebrate. Jared's mom LOVES holiday celebrations and usually hosts a fun Halloween dinner/game night. But with Alice hating the car and Jack wanting to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood, we stayed home and they offered to bring a festive dinner. It was very cute and fun. But with neighbors showing up and trick-or-treating the night was a little hectic. I felt bad after they left when I realized we didn't play any games and Jared's parents never even got to hold Alice before she went to bed. They did get to go trick-or-treating with Jack though, so file the evening under "you win some, you lose some."

Jack had two days of no school this week for parent teacher conferences. He is doing great and is ahead of the curve in reading and math, so the goal his teacher set with him was for him to remember to turn in his reader each day. He tends to forget it in his backpack most of the time so this will be good practice for the next 12+ years of turning in homework. 

Alice's allergy bloodwork results became available this week. Nothing her allergist is too concerned about, phew. He recommended we try testing her on beef and soy in his office when we feel ready for that, but tomato he gave us the go-ahead to try at home and see if there's been improvement since the last time she had tomato several months ago. We gave her one of her favorite dinners, tomato bolognese, last night to see how she would tolerate it. No issues! Not a single hive! We'll remain cautious the next few times we try, but for now I'm so happy I could cry. Any of her allergens she grows out of is a big deal. This gives me hope that she'll outgrow more of them in the next few years. Cozy tomato soup, here we come. Here are some pictures from our week:

^^The owners of this house used to have a kid on Jack's soccer team when we first moved here. They go ALL OUT for Halloween. They made those giant spiders out of I believe pvc pipe based on a youtube video they found. The webbing is beef netting they bought on some farm supply website.
^^Mummy dogs, jack-o-lantern carved fruit cup oranges, and spooky vegetables and hot wings. So fun.
^^Alice got this hand-me-down Wonder Woman outfit from a neighbor, so I coordinated as Cat Woman. 
^^Poor baby scraped her face on our back patio on Halloween morning. She was a trouper though and we had a nice Halloween breakfast date up on the mountain.
^^Painting and carving pumpkins. Jack made a solar system out of all the pumpkins earlier in the week so he wanted to paint them to look like the planets. I think this should be a yearly tradition. Maybe we'll even paint at the beginning of October and then carve at the end. 

More Halloween Fun


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