ThanksJared Day

This year Jared's birthday was on Thanksgiving! It was a finals prep day, so Jared was able to stay home from school (and study all day). We did Jared's favorite little hike in the morning and ate his favorite breakfast, and in the evening 50 of our branch friends threw a big feast for him, complete with turkey, stuffing, pie, and the most out-of-this-world sweet potatoes I have ever tasted. I made him a truly hideous (but truly delicious) German chocolate cake, and everyone sang to him. What a lucky guy, that Jared! We then went home and he opened a nice little haul of presents and we Skyped our families. 

My birthday gift to Jared was to not take any pictures of him all day (actually I just forgot, but he really does hate having his picture taken) (and actually my real gift to him was a Segway tour of a small town in Washington). But I did get a couple dark snaps from my spot on the couch at our big Thanksgiving dinner...after everyone had finished eating...and after half the people had left. At least it's something to remember the day by! We're so grateful for the wonderful support system we have in Grenada. For a family away from family, we're pretty happy about these people.
p.s. Blogger's really bugging with me with this whole only-option-is-center-alignment thing lately. No matter how I align my text in the draft, it always reverts to center alignment after I hit publish. Is anyone else having this problem, or have any ideas on how to fix it?


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