Last night I spent quite a bit of time reading back through my blog archives--from a little over a year ago when we were just planning to move to Grenada, up to today. It was so good to read through my posts about the first few months here, not only to relive some fun experiences, but also to see how far I've come. Although I was never overwhelmingly depressing in any of those posts, reading through the lines I can see that the culture shock was real for me then, and that in comparison, I'm really thriving now. I wish that Laura could see this Laura. She'd be so much less anxious and fearful if she knew how well she'd adjust. Oh well, at least this Laura can see that Laura and be grateful for her perseverance, and grateful for where she's at now. (Deep stuff there, guys.) Being 1/8 of the way done with this doctorhood journey is waaaaay better than being 1/800 of the way done with the doctorhood journey.
I also read through my two new years' resolutions for 2015, one of which was to blog much more regularly (oops). So in an effort to get back on track with that goal, and with some much-needed encouragement from my sweet grandmother, I'm going to bring you up-to-date in a few short sentences and then start blogging about everyday things from here on out. I know this adventure will go by quickly (it already has been!), and I don't want to look back on this time with any regrets about not recording the big things and the little things.
So just briefly, Jared recently finished his third term of medical school. It was six weeks of what felt like normal, get-to-see-my-husband-sometimes life. Bliss. His schedule was easy so we were able to do quite a bit of exploring and hanging out. As per usual, Jared did great in his classes and came out with an A grade. (There was technically only one class on his third-term transcript--behavioral sciences--but lots of mini classes went into it.) Fourth term started a week ago. It's going to be the worst term of them all. In the past, he's had four hours of class each day and then spent 9+ hours of studying. This term he'll be in classes and labs for 9 hours a day, and then he'll have to cram all his studying in when he finally gets home after 6:00 each evening. Gross. Jared's eating it up though. He must be cut out for this path, because the tougher the schedule, the more excited he gets to become a doctor.
Ok, now I want to post some pictures of another favorite Grenadian fruit. Who am I kidding, I love all the Grenadian fruits! This one is called sugar apple, and I think it's only in season for a few more months. The sugar apple looks green and black and scaley on the outside. When Jared's mom saw a picture of me holding one, she commented that it looked like I was holding a snake. If you press your thumbs into a sugar apple, you can pry it open (as long as it's ripe). Inside, it's filled with lots of black seeds encased in delicious white fruit. To eat the fruit, you pop a seed in your mouth, suck the fruit off, and spit the seed out. It tastes like an unusually sweet mango to me, unless you get an overripe one. Then it just tastes dry and fermented. I'm sure this isn't the last post you'll see that features the sugar apple. I can't get enough of them, and this may be my last chance ever to enjoy them!