>> We made a trip to downtown St. George's with friends. Jared has lived inside a 2-mile-wide bubble these past few months. He was giddy to go exploring and in awe of how beautiful Grenada's ports are.
>> I was offered my dream job! I am now a part-time editor for an awesome online company and I get to work in the comfort of my own bedroom. This means unlimited snack breaks and freedom to wear pajamas to the office. Guys. This is the most excited I've been about anything since I found out I would be living in swimsuits for two years!
>> On Saturday we ate a celebratory lunch at a cute restaurant overlooking the beach. The waitress accidentally gave us the wrong sandwiches, but they were delicious so we ate them anyway. Then we realized that the couple behind us had been waiting for their sandwiches for well over an hour. We paid and booked it out of there before they could realize that we had eaten their orders. If we had stuck around any longer our heads might have been machete chopped off.
>> Jared and I went on a trail run to Hog Island. The trail took us through a rainforest path surrounded on all sides by paranoid crabs. Some were orange. Some were navy blue. Some were tiny. Some looked like they could bite our legs off. All scurried into their holes the second we got near. After about twenty minutes, we crossed a long bridge over the ocean and arrived on Hog Island.
>> From Hog Island, we looked out and saw another little island in the distance. It looked to have a beautiful beach and a picturesque resort. It wasn't long before we realized that the island in the distance was Calivigny Island, a private island where Kim Kardashian and Kanye West vacationed a few months ago. You should definitely check it out here. It's glamorous stuff. Plus, you can see the Grenada mainland in the background of much of the video. This island of ours really is a lovely place.