Take it back, you noob (newb?)

On Sunday, my older brother told me that based on the pictures he's been saying lately, he's pretty sure we actually live in some old apartment in New Jersey and we've been lying about living in Grenada. To him I say, "See for yourself." (read as Napoleon Dynamite)
BBC Beach
By the crab field
Our house
Our lemon tree (lemons are green, limes are yellow, oranges are also green--I promise)
A church down the street (and a cool blue house behind it)

View from our porch. Sorry if the lighting on all these pictures is blinding you.
And because I can't get over them . . .
Today our tree was covered in the same caterpillars I saw last month, but miniature
The big caterpillars were twice as big as last time. It was disturbing. Also disturbing is the flexibility of this guy ^^


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