I had some disturbingly in-depth dreams about my blog layout last night.
Unfortunately I did not write them down, so that inspiration is all gone.

For now, enjoy these pictures of our adventures in Washington. Most recent pictures are first.
Disclaimer: This is a very journalistic post.

Today, Jared and I went for a long bike ride around some nearby neighborhoods.
Most of the ride included mini evergreen forests on either side of the road. 
This part of Washington smells superb. It's like a refreshing Christmas miracle.
 Afternoons often include movies, puzzles, Nerf Gun wars with the siblings, and synchronized reading.
 On Christmas Eve, Jared and I went for a run through the forest. 
Jared is a self-proclaimed specialist in precious metals, so we checked several streams for gold flakes.
(This picture was taken right after some lady walked by and said, "Goodness! I thought you two were massive dogs kneeling there!")
 We did indeed find some gold flakes!
(Lower left dirt clump.)
 The winter forests up here are fluorescent green.
Trees are covered in moss and ferns.

 Jared's family lives near a nice little lake.
This little beaver thinks that grass is delicious to eat.
One time I ate grass, and it didn't turn out so good. I hope the beaver had a better grass-eating experience than I did.
My phone has started doing this thing where it tries to make my pictures all dynamic and whatnot.
All I can say about this one is, "Nice try, phone. You done been pwn'd."
 On Monday, we drove down to Portland with Jared's good ol' dad.
While he was in a meeting, we drove into downtown, grabbed some breakfast food at Trader Joe's, and walked around a park overlooking the city.

 Breakfast was Orangina, a baguette, and some deli meat.
Just like our mornings in Europe.
 We stopped by Baker, Oregon on our long drive from Utah to Washington.
My Grandma Haines is from Baker, so it was a weird, happy coincidence to see my Haines name on the city sign. Shout out to my family!
And that is it for now.
It was a wonderful Christmas with husband and his family. Hope your breaks have been happy, too!
Washington Fun

My parents have been excited for me to blog from Washington with pictures of all the fun adventures we're having. It's late Christmas eve and I have no pictures uploaded, so for now you can enjoy this twinkly picture of the Christmas spirit in our little apartment. More to come in the free time of the coming days.

Happy Christmas Eve, family and friends!

Hi, Dad and Mom!

Inspired by my friend Ashley, I just told Jared to please go get me a five dollar hot and ready Little Caesar's pepperoni pizza with crazy crust, a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time.

Sure I only had to physically go up to compass one time this week for a test, but between final papers, a trip to the social security office this morning, and then a jaunt to the bank, I can only say that it is time to GET ME OUT OF PROVO!! Can't wait to go to beautiful Washington and spend time with Jared's family. And play games. And not write papers. And not be in Provo.

Here are some honeymoon pictures of fun in Europe. Warmer times, people. Happier places.

Happy Finals Week

Hey guys. I never finished up my wedding posts. Been too busy makin the grades and whatnot.
I now have a link to our wedding highlights video by Kale Fitch, in high quality. That's what the new tab's all about, but you can just click here if getting into a new tab is an extra step you'd just rather not take. I understand. And in case the video is too high quality for your loading speed preferences, just turn off the HD in the bottom right corner. Some of you might even have fun trying to spot yourselves (*cough* Alyssa and Joe).

By the way, Kale Fitch is the man if you're thinking about doing a wedding video for your weddings-to-be. A wedding video was never on my priority list, but Kelsey from work talked me into and I will be forever grateful to her for it. Kale was there to film us outside the temple and at our reception. He gave us three videos on a CD (plus two extra copies of the CD to give our parents): a temple video, a reception video (about 12 minutes long), and a highlights video. Also, he has seriously awesome taste in music. I never requested a song for the backgrounds but it turned out way better with him choosing.

Fun coincidental fact: The menu background song on our wedding video CD is the song that Jared introduced me to in the first email he ever sent me, way back before we were dating. It's fate. You should definitely have a listen.
Now I'm going to go ahead and finish off the last wedding post.

Something Borrowed: Jared's grandmother passed away this past year, and she was a wonderful woman who Jared and the rest of his family were really close to. We wanted to include something about her in the wedding, and Jared's mother was kind enough to let us borrow her mother's beautiful pin. We put it on my bouquet wrap.
I had grand ideas for reception displays, but engagement is busy and it never happened. However, Jared and Julie helped put together this photo garland of mine and Jared's relationship. My beautiful BFF bridesmaids draped it on some bushes by "the line."
We hired a jazz trio to play at our reception because, duh, so much classy in a jazz trio.
I forgot to get a toss bouquet, so Julie ran and grabbed some flowers.
I don't think I even reimbursed her.
I owe her big time when her wedding comes around, because she saved me in so many ways that day.
Jared's youngest sister caught the bouquet.
Our first dance was spontaneous. Don't even remember the song, but Steph recorded 11 seconds of it so you can watch it here.
For our "getaway," we had guests line up and squirt us with tiny squirt guns as we ran from the house to our car. This idea came from a bishop who recommended we have a way to "stay in the safe zone" in regards to physical contact while we were engaged. His safety weapon of choice was the squirt gun because when he was engaged, he and his wife would come armed with one for every date so that if they ever got a little too kissy-kissy, they could shoot each other as a fun warning. We always kept a squirt gun nearby when we were engaged. And to be honest, I think it was the best way to leave because then instead of just shuffling away after we left, the guests turned on each other and a mini water-gun war erupted.
And that, friends, concludes the wedding posts series. I'll be putting them all in one convenient place in the Jared & Laura tab in case you ever have need to revisit them. Enjoy!

*all photos by Kate Benson

Growing up, I never had sisters to share clothes with.

My college roommates all had super great style, but we didn't really swap outfits often.
(Except for the time when I borrowed Sarah Kay's tan blazer for my first-kiss-with-husband date and she borrowed my belts for . . . everything. Oh, the belt love that binds.)
Probably there weren't many clothing exchanges because I'm a foot taller than everyone. It's cool.

But it's all coming back to me now. New husband? New wardrobe!
I've noticed a steady decline in my wearing of ladylike clothes as the semester has progressed and the temperatures have dropped. It's a good thing that "chunky" is in-style, because babes, I'm drowning in manly pullovers and over-sized flannel. Speaking of flannel . . .
The candles-and-Christmas combination is my cup of cocoa.

Jared told me I can wear his clothes to school anytime I want.
I told him, "Same to you, Lovey Dovey."
So we'll see how that goes.
Chunky Sweata Weatha

This pun happened yesterday, so it's legit.

Jared (while preparing to eat his tiny orange at work): This Cutie sure has . . . a peal!!

Punday . . . Monday?


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