Worst Wife Award (a sap post)

I went to Disneyland and left my husband at home.


It was kind of an accident. We knew my family was going and we were invited, but Jared is flying to Washington next week for a med school interview so we decided it'd be best for him to stay home and work this week.

The good wife thing to do would have been to stay home with him, but then I realized that I don't have work and I'd only be missing one day of school and, really, who couldn't use a California family vaca? I wouldn't have gone, but Jared kept on encouraging it, and so it happened. And I have major wife guilt about it, but I'm having a good time anyway.

Pathetic run-away-from-water shots like this one would be much happier with my handsome man in them.
I miss this guy so much.


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